HBOT: Accelerating Recovery in General Surgery

Going into surgery can seem daunting. However, the hardest part of a surgery is often the recovery process. Depending on the scope of your procedure, it may be months before you can fully return to your normal life and routines. Thankfully, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has emerged as an advanced therapy that speeds along recovery. At Baromedical Associates, we provide patients in the Dallas Metro Area with accessible treatments and outstanding results. Let’s take a deeper look at this therapy and its connection to surgical recovery acceleration.

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an innovative medical treatment in which patients sit or recline in a pressurized chamber. As the oxygen pressure inside increases, the lungs gather more oxygen than would be possible while breathing in a standard room. Thanks to these increased oxygen levels, the body can better fight infection and promote healing.

Speeding Recovery From SurgeryA doctor talks to nurses advising them on the next steps in HBOT for the patient.

So, how does HBOT work in the context of general surgery? HBOT post-operative care brings oxygen to the parts of the body lacking it. With a greater volume of oxygen, the body can reduce swelling in the affected area and block harmful bacteria. This therapy has also been shown to encourage the development of new skin cells, further promoting wound healing1.

HBOT Is Useful After These Surgeries

When HBOT was first attempted in the 1940s, it was only a treatment for decompression sickness and carbon monoxide poisoning. Today, HBOT is used successfully as a general surgery recovery aid. The team at Baromedical Associates has assisted people recovering from all types of surgeries. If you are scheduled for any of the following surgeries, consider HBOT as part of your post-operative plan:

What to Expect During HBOT Post-Operative Care

Good news—getting HBOT is relatively comfortable. However, the idea of getting into a pressurized chamber can be scary for some folks, and our team aims to ensure you feel relaxed during treatment. When you arrive at your first appointment, you’ll enter the chamber and sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you. You’ll breath normally throughout the session, which can last anywhere from 60 minutes to two hours.

For the first and last 5-7 minutes in HBOT, you’ll feel the need to clear (pop) your ears to equalize the pressure, much like landing in an airplane. These effects are typical results of increased pressure. Make sure to tell our team if you experience any discomfort, especially if you have trouble clearing your ears.  The HBOT tech can adjust the rate of decent and prevent any discomfort. Baromedical Associates is dedicated to post-operative healing enhancement, and we want you to be as comfortable as possible.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Recovery Benefits

Over the years, our patients of all ages have seen incredible benefits after HBOT. Quicker recovery times are clearly the top reason why people opt for HBOT. However, it’s far from the only motive for this treatment. Other benefits reported in studies include:

Learn More About HBOT and Surgery Recovery Today

Baromedical Associates strives to be a leader in HBOT, and we treat patients of all ages. We’ve earned our amazing reputation for patient care, and people come to Dallas from all over the world for our services. If you’re concerned about a long recovery process after general surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to helping you return to everyday life as soon as possible.

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